

Olivia goes above and beyond for her clients, regardless of whether it’s a small or big policy. I purchased a policy for my pet and she was very patient in explaining the policy to me, and helped me understand which plan is most suitable for my pet. She was even willing to share pet caring tips with me as I’m a first time pet owner. I am grateful to have met an advisor like Olivia. Thank you!

Ms Lee Chau Min

Production Manager

我的经验、让我不会对年轻人或朋友抱信心、因为我试过向他们买保险、之后他们都转行了!多年后的这次、是在好奇心的驱使下、也抱着很久没听到什么最新的保险消息了、就当听听来长知识也罢、又可以不买所介绍的保单为前提、接受了这位朋友小妹的邀约! 从一开始了解状况、到讲解现在所需、还能分析不同公司保单的利与弊!她让我好意外!年纪轻轻的她、竟然能够那么从容不迫地让我更容易理解、让我知道现在的我需要什么保障等等!哇!很羡慕这位年轻人的魄力!我只能说、这位小妹是前途无量的!能够把老来生活规划交给她安排、我很放心!!

Mr Lim & Family Magdalene

Olivia is a professional financial advisor. Many terms we do not understand when buying insurance, she will explain slowly and patiently to us, no matter how many times or how many years later we ask the same questions. Every policy are tailored to our needs and not to mention when making claims, everything is fuss-free and simple with her help.